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Academic Subjects : Science : Meteorology

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Here Comes the Sun: A Solar/Terrestrial Tutorial - illustrated tutorial on the sun and its effects on the environment here on Earth, covering what the sun is, why there are seasons, Earth's rotation, equinoxes, solstices, Earth's orbit around the sun, why solar heating varies, where are you relative to the sun, seasonal temperatures and more   (Rating: 7.09 Votes: 2315)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10

Hurricane Basics - an illustrated guide to the basics of hurricanes and hurricane preparedness, covering what a hurricane is, hurricane categories, their origin and life cycle, hurricane structures, methods of observing hurricanes and more   (Rating: 7.14 Votes: 2262)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10

USA Today: Weather Basics - illustrated and animated guides to the basics of weather, covering such topics as air masses, air pressure, climate and climate change, el Nino, floods, fog, clouds, water, fronts, hurricanes, lightning, measuring weather, mountain weather, optical effects, seasons, space weather, storms, thunderstorms, tornadoes, winds, winter weather and more   (Rating: 7.13 Votes: 2298)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10  Read Comments (2)

WW2010 Online Guides - web-based instructional guides to meteorology, climate, remote sensing, global change, reading and interpreting weather maps and more   (Rating: 7.12 Votes: 2395)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10

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