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Computers and the Internet : Applications

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Computertim Technologies - a collectiong of instructional articles on specific topics and probles with a range of Microsoft applications and oprtating systems, including Microsoft Windows 95/98, Microsoft Word 98/95, Microsoft Excel 98/2000, Microsoft PowerPoint 98/2000, Microsoft Outlook 98/2000, Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Palm OS, and more   (Rating: 7.00 Votes: 2444)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10  Read Comments (2)

Microsoft Excel Tips - text-based tips on using Excel, covering such topics as decimal alignment, displaying formulas, editing with the function wizard, entering dates, grouping sheets, creating line breaks within a cell, moving cells, sum formula, quick, how to text wrap, zooming selected cells and more   (Rating: 7.23 Votes: 2139)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10

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