Crafts and Hobbies : Toy Making[ Home / Crafts and Hobbies / Toy Making ]
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Free Instructional Sites:
D. Williamson: Scientific Toys - illustrated instructions for building various science-oriented toys which can be made by children, including a balloon buggy, bubble blower, crystal radio, elastic-powered cars, electric dice spinner, electric motor, harmonographs, homemade hovercraft, magnetic padlock, magnetic pendulum, magnetometer, printer port robot, remote controlled cars, robot arm, rotodynes, rubber-band helicopter, simple drawing instruments, toy submarine, vortex gun made from a plastic bucket, water rocket and more
Finger Tips - a large collection of step-by-step illustrated guides to making a wide range of crafts, toys, fun food and more, with instructions on how to make a 3D Christmas tree card, an advent calendar, baseball hat stand, bath bombs, book worm book end, bubble wrap cushion, cash cow, cool shades holder, crocodile clips, everlasting pumpkin, french fry butterfly, frozen bath cubes, glow worm, groovy groomer, gruesome goblin, magic money box, mouse house, pizza clock, safety pin bracelet, sock ness monster, spokely dokely, spoon bugs, springboard bird feeder, stain glass window, and more
Homemade Toys - a brief, illustrated instructional article on making several easy toys, including a whimmy diddle, a braided doll, a garden felt board, hazelnut babies and a buzz toy
How to Make a Whirligig - a very short illustrated guide to constructing a whirligig, an 18th century spinning-toy
How to Make Your Own Yo-Yo - a brief, text-only guide to making a yo-yo with simple tools
Science Toys - illustrated, step-by-step guides on how to make a variety of educational science-related toys, including a Bernoulli levitation ball, a classic propellor toy, a geodesic dome, a homemade vacuum pump, kaleidoscope, a mid-air magnet, a quick and simple radio, a simple 1-watt amplifier, simple rocket engine, solar battery, solar powered marshmallow roaster, an electric motor in 10 minutes, homemade ice cream, permanent rainbows and more
The Toymaker: Paper Toys - short, illustrated and printable guides on how to make various toys out of paper, including an old fashioned pin wheel, a bear wagon, bug box, bunny basket, butterfly basket, cat gift bag, chocolate truck, cootie catcher, cupid on Valentine's Day, flower gift bag, marble mice, penny butterfly, pop-up card, spinners (also known as thaumatropes or turning wonders), sun box and more
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