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Free Instructional Sites:
Australian Clarinet and Saxophone Magazine: Articles - an archive of instructional articles on clarinet and saxophone performance, covering such topics as alternate fingerings, auditioning, basic clarinet acoustics, clarinet intonation, jazz improvisation for classical musicians, the altissimo, the clarinet embouchure, the dynamics of breathing, the reed-above embouchure and more
Christopher Ayer: Tips for Clarinet - instructional articles on clarinet playing and practicing, including "Elements of the Clarinet Embouchure", "Guidelines for Good Practicing" and "Mouthpiece, Ligature and Reed"
Clarinet Study - text-based instructional guides on clarinet technique and performance, covering such topics as circular breathing, clarinet phrasing, clarinet warmup and practice routines, how to double tongue, how to keep the water from the tone holes, how to play longer, how to tongue faster, temperament, the use of valerian root in overcoming stage fright, vibrato and more
How to Sight-Transpose Clarinet Parts - a text-based guide to sight transposition for the clarinet, enabling a player instantly to read parts written for other types of clarinets (or other instruments)
Ridenour Clarinet Products: Articles - text-based guides on matters pertaining to clarinets and clarinet performance, covering such topics as clarinet tuning, Bb clarinet reed adjustment, clarinet embouchure and tone production, clarinet mouthpiece facings, clarinet practice and performance, clarinet wood care, how to select a new clarinet, how to teach and learn characteristic clarinet tone and more
The Online Clarinet Resource: Articles Archive - instructional articles, featured items and brief lessons including such topics as intonation and blending in an ensemble, teaching rhythm, developing effective and efficient breathing, warmup exercises and more
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Instructional Books (Detail)
Cambridge Companion to the Clarinet, The
Sheet Music Plus - An online music store that has over a quarter million titles to choose from, including an extensive array of clarinet methods, sheet music and songbooks, all at great prices. Order right online, and it will arrive in a matter of days! Search in this box below for anything you want - and they'll have it:
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Instructional Videos (Detail)
Belwin 21st Band Video 1 Clarinet (Bb Clarinet & Bb Bass Clarinet)
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