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Fine Arts : Visual Art : Visual Communications

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Iconic Communication - illustrated instructional essays by a variety of authors on iconic communication and visual communications in general, exploring the ideas of abstraction and organisation in signs and sign systems, computer-based iconic language, dynamicons, metaphors in iconic interface design, self-explaining icons, textual machines, the visual dimension of writing and more   (Rating: 7.03 Votes: 2234)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10

Studying Visual Communication - an online instructional book on the ideas of Sol Worth, a chief architect of the field of visual communications, exploring the nature of visual media in general and the role that visual images play in shaping and constructing reality   (Rating: 6.87 Votes: 2195)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10

The On-Line Visual Literacy Project - illustrated instructional guides to the basic elements common to all visual communication, including dimension, direction, dot, hue, line, motion, saturation, scale, shape, texture, value and more   (Rating: 7.05 Votes: 2291)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10

Visual Communication Tips - brief, text-based practical tips on effective visual communication, with advice on breathing space, page layout, talking with your visitors, the laws of visual gravity, typestyle and more   (Rating: 7.08 Votes: 2294)   Rate this site: 5 6 7 8 9 10  Read Comments (1)

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