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handprint : watercolors - Comments

handprint : watercolors - illustrated guides to a range of topics on watercolor painting, covering watercolor papers, how to test watercolor papers, how papers are made, preparing papers for painting, stretching papers, storing, mounting & framing, watercolor brushes, brush types & construction, selecting brushes, brush care & storage, other application tools, how watercolor paints are made, how to test watercolor paints, color psychology, color mixing theories, color wheels, mixing with a color wheel, tonal value, exploring a paint wheel, watercolor palette types, laying a wash, painting outdoors and more

Roxanne   09-May-2003 - 21:46:07
Thank you for all the hard work you both have put into your sites. It is very much appreciated.

Peace & Blessings,

Roxanne Webb

Susan   14-May-2003 - 13:35:19
Thank you so much for your detailed sections on brush types and selecting brushes. I have wanted to order some brushes online since they are so much cheaper than I've found in the art stores in my area (near Stanford, Palo Alto, CA) but I've been reluctant to since they were not in my hand to check the stiffness, point, etc. Your provided so much detail it made me confident that I would know what I was getting. Thank you again!

Ross   23-February-2004 - 23:19:28
This is the motherlode!!! Pure Gold!!!!

Br. Tom   31-March-2004 - 16:45:10
WOW!!! A terrific corpus of information. Extremely helpful and informative. Better than some books I've read. THANK YOU for sharing.

Blessings & Peace.

Ernest   22-June-2004 - 19:00:55
This is the best place on the web to learn about color. I have found this of more use than most books about color. Exacting, detail-oriented, specific, well-organized. I have spent many hours poring over this site. It would be nice if you could do an analysis of oil paints as an adjunct to the information about watercolors.

Mark Pickin   03-August-2004 - 11:43:01
this is an outstanding resource. It is not for the fainthearted as it goes into an amazing amount of technical detail, but it is all there and if you need to know anything about colour, you will find it!

This site has certainly opened my eyes and, for the first time, I really think I understand how colour works both theoretically and practically.


Christina   08-August-2004 - 16:58:35
This is a superb site for watercolourists. It contains an incredible amount of information not only about colour theory, paint manufacturers, techniques (read the one about laying in a wash - it is amazing) and book reviews. It also contains information about watercolour artists through history, discussion of individual artists' palettes, etc.. The information is technical, and in depth. The site is for those who want to learn am much as they can about watercolours. This site also is a labour of love, and it shows.

paul   15-December-2004 - 09:10:03
one of the best, most informative sites i've found!

Margo   17-July-2005 - 11:13:54
I have been painting in watercolor for more than a decade and a half and this is the most comprehensive and accurate information that I have come across. I love the technical details of painting and Bruce does not disappoint. I appreciate how much he has shared with us.

A.S.Bergamin   13-October-2005 - 09:26:08
The best treatise on Watercolour painting. Bruce MacEvoy helps everyone to find the information one needs, be that technical data on pigments or a certais store location. I have a printed copy of his site, for reading fast when I need something. His books review is just fine, telling what is good and what is not with the books one find in the stores shelves. I really enjoy his writings and make good use of it.

ro   19-November-2005 - 16:14:03
looks very practical and helpfull

Debra   23-November-2005 - 12:24:28
Definitely the best, most eye opening discussion on color, out there. The only thing that stopped me from making my rating a 10, was that there was so much information and some of it was buried within multiple levels and wasn't always easy for me to get back to something specific I wanted to find.

Robert Laliberté   25-January-2006 - 20:00:23
specialy color theory and informations tanks!

Alberto Gonzalez Serrano   28-January-2006 - 04:29:13
a great work for watercolor and watercolorists from all world.

T Pruitt   08-February-2006 - 18:53:06
Excellent discussion of paint brands, papers and color.

john   26-February-2006 - 08:02:40
A great site!!

dennis lowe   15-June-2006 - 06:33:23
An excellent example of a good structured information resource

luis   03-August-2006 - 23:01:11
this is a pretty complete and comprehensive site about watercolors, with a true study of watercolors itself, and materials, and pigments... i strongly recommend for intermediate learning, and too for basic learning, before start to paint in watercolors

M. Goff   22-November-2006 - 20:39:45
Very comprehensive site. More that you want to know about paint, until you need it!

John h/santa rosa   23-April-2007 - 17:42:18
I continue to return to this site as a resource and learning center for my watercolor endeavors. I appreciate the tremendous amount of time and work that went into creating this site for all of us to access. Thank you Bruce for sharing.

janet kirkham   27-October-2007 - 18:41:02
Demystifies the whole world of watercolour painting, no nonsense approach, gets down to the 'nitty gritty' hardcore facts and figures, blows away myths, basically all about the REALITY of watercolors. Incredibly informative, interesting 'brain food' ! Brilliant! fabulous if you have any doubts about your own skill levels.

joan   19-December-2007 - 11:27:03
just be sure you have a lot of time and caffeine available before you log on...handprint.com is THE best, most extensive watercolor site i've ever found, and i recommend it highly to all my students. no how-to here, but vast information on every aspect of the medium...none of which has ever been less than right on the mark. (where does he find the time?!)

mary   23-June-2008 - 07:36:44
I'm just a beginner fascinated with the colours and everything to do with them. I've been sitting at my computor for about 2-3 hours. I need a break! but will be spending a lot of time on this fabulous site. with thanks, MaryG

Linda   01-April-2009 - 01:50:21
I have never seen a more excellent free resource on watercolors. Your lesson on color theory far surpasses others and I don't believe there is a book available that is better than what you offer. Now, I would like to extract a portion of a previous comment because it is so well-worded and says everything I feel. (Written by Ernest 22-June-2004 - 19:00:55) "Exacting, detail-oriented, specific, well-organized. I have spent many hours poring over this site. It would be nice if you could do an analysis of oil paints as an adjunct to the information about watercolors."

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