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Mycoted: Creativity Techniques - Comments

Mycoted: Creativity Techniques - a large collection of short illustrated guides to creativity techniques and tools for use especially in science and technology, including such techniques as boundary examination, brain sketching, brainstorming, consensus mapping, contradiction analysis, controlling imagery, dimensional analysis, drawing, free association, gap analysis, imagery manipulation, laddering, lateral thinking, listing pros and cons, mind mapping, multiple redefinition, negative brainstorming, paraphrasing key words, problem reversal, provocation, role storming, snowball technique, transactional planning, trigger method, value engineering, and more

Jean-Louis Swiners   20-December-2003 - 09:25:16
Impressive !

John Williams   16-March-2004 - 08:10:09
A great collection of techniques

James   07-April-2004 - 15:50:51
Just a great summary of techniques - excellent

David Cox   26-February-2005 - 03:30:49
This is by far the most comprehensive and usefully-presented set of tools on Creative Problem Solving I have seen anywhere in 50 years of looking and teaching. Congratulations, Mycoted!

Mycoted readers might find interesting a method called FLIPP. It was developed and used at Procter & Gamble for clarifying use of systems where the logic is complex -- where many choices are involved and many scenarios complicate life for system users and managers. Health care and Homeland Security would be major examples. It pictures logic by presenting instructions on game boards. The number of pages of text instructions is commonly reduced by 90%. It is now freely available to all without restriction at http://www.flipp-explainers.org

Jonetta   23-September-11 - 05:59:19
Hey, you're the goto expert. Thanks for hagning out here.

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