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Art Studio Chalkboard: Drawing - Comments

Art Studio Chalkboard: Drawing - a series of online lessons in linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, shading and compositional models from Southern Arkansas University

andy   12-January-2003 - 00:48:16
could u please tell me how to draw good eyes!

rossalynn ferguson   26-March-2004 - 09:54:58
i'm trying to learn how to draw and paint different objects

Rick   28-February-2006 - 10:54:10
There is a lot of very useful info here, but I found Drawing page 1 unclear, even after reading all the rest and going back to it. (1) I don't understand the references to "eye level". Of course there is a horizon-tal line where the sky meets the water, but the further the observer gets above the earth's surface, the further one has to tilt one's head (or eyes) down to see this line. (2) what does "parallel to the viewer" mean? Surely something can only be "parallel" to a straight line - eg railway tracks (or road edges) are parallel. (3) what does "all verticals and horizontals stay the same" mean? (Subsequent pages are generally clearer, with more useful diagrams.)

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