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Perspective Drawing - Comments

Perspective Drawing - a brief, illustrated guide to learning to incorporate perspective in your drawing from a geometry point of view, covering horizon lines and vanishing points

Cyndy Wray   02-February-2002 - 10:38:35
As a former Geometry teacher, I enjoyed having someone "prove me right" by showing how Geometry can be utilized other than just knowing it for the test.
I'm looking forward to sharing this lesson with my beginning drawing students this semester.

Dianne Fox   20-April-2004 - 13:56:20
Very good lesson for the beginners.

Norma   15-March-2005 - 12:04:20
brief, but clear, I liked the illustrations

Kimberly Cole   10-March-2006 - 06:51:16
this was helpful for a homeschool co-op class I am doing with about 8 students. Trying to get them to understand perspective and distance thank you

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