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Building the Egret - Comments

Building the Egret - a six-step illustrated guide to building the very popular Egret paper airplane

Ashley   02-February-2003 - 16:50:14
I like that plane, when i made it it glide strait and it looked like it's a glider and i clall it a glider. Suuppperrrrrrrrrr eexceeeeeelllent airplane and gooooooooooooo giirrrrrlllllllllll!!!!!!!!!1 I looveeeeeee yaaaaaaa.

Jasmin Fischer   22-November-2004 - 21:43:22
This is a good website i would like to see more of this one and more things that we can use your web site for Thanks?

MDN   28-December-2005 - 16:10:02
I think these instructions were a little more complicated than some of the other instruction for the Sabertooth.

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