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Free Instructional Sites:
How to Twirl a Pen - a short, step-by-step illustrated guide to twirling a pen between your fingers
One Hand Card Shuffle - a thoroughly illustrated, step-by-step guide to shuffling a deck of cards with one hand
A Guide to Balloons and Ballooning - guides covering blowing up a balloon, how to make various types of twists, balloon care, turning pro, the business of ballooning and more
Building an Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie - a thoroughly illustrated set of instructions for building an Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB), a type of head-wear that can shield your brain from most electromagnetic psychotronic mind-control carriers, and can block most forms of brain scanning and mind reading thus keeping the secrets in your head truly secret
Easy Air Guitar, Volume 1 - a thorough guide, complete with diagrams and illustrations, to mastering the "air guitar"
PenSpin Palace: Tricks and Videos - a collection of instructional video clips on tricks you can do with the common pen, including the 360 Thumbspin Harmonic, Continuous Half Taps, Corkscrew Wide, Countinuous Reverse Full Taps, Extended Thumbspin (Fake Double), Faked Index Spin, Index Spin, Inverse Sonic, NeoBackaround, One Finger Thumbspin Harmonic, Reverse Thumbspin, Shadow Flip, Sonic Jump Reverse and more
Penstudioz - video-enhanced guide to various pen spinning tricks, covering such subtle pen-spinning gestures as the 360 degree rotation around the thumb, spinning two rounds above the thumb, the thumbspin back reverse, moving the pen around the middle finger from between the middle and ring fingers to fall between the index and middle fingers, moving the pen up and down your fingers, spinning between your middle and ring fingers in a clockwise direction continuously and much more
Pentix - The Art of Pen Spinning - illustrated, step-by-step beginning and advanced pen-spinning tricks with supplementary video clips, including such pen tricks as the 360 Degree Normal, 360 Degree Reverse, Neo-Sonic, Index Spin, Devil's Spin, Fingerless 360 Degree Normal, Thumb Snap, Horizontal Thumb Snap, Snap Flip, Charge Normal, Charge Reverse, Finger Pass Normal, Finger Pass Reverse, Sonic Normal, Sonic Reverse, Sonic 1.5 Normal, Inverse Sonic Normal, Inverse Sonic Reverse, Sonic 2x Normal, Sonic 2x Reverse, iSonic, Half Taps, Single Normal, Single Reverse, Forward 1.5, Reverse 1.5, Double Normal, Triple Normal, Twisted Sonic Normal, Twisted Sonic Reverse, Devil's Sonic, Backhand Tracer, Spider Spin Normal and more
The Art of Hand Cooing - a short guide to hand cooing, or whistling using your hands
The Encyclopedia of Card Shooting - photo-enhanced guides on "shooting", or moving and hurling ordinary playing cards around with select fingers in unusual ways
The Internet Yodel Course - a sound-enhanced short course on how to yodel, covering consonant and vowel sounds for yodelling, simple yodel phrases, quick repetition on single notes and more
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